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Newsletter n5



For a few weeks now, Geoffrey (ESR2), Anis (ESR7), Teresa (ESR4), Rina (ESR5) have been working at VUA as part of their secondments. They were welcomed by Bas Teusink and Francesco (ESR1).
Their presence was a good opportunity for Bas Teusink to explain constraint-based modelling techniques to them.



On October 5th, the 15 ESRs followed a course on "Intellectual property rights in life science research". The training delivered by Jens Asbjoern Andersson (CHRH's IPR and Licensing Director) covered the following key points:

  • state of the art

  • the freedom to operate - other people's rights to exclude you,

  • confidentiality - share on a need-to-know basis,

  • inventions - strategies, formalities and patentability, research exemptions.

The second (and last) session of the training on communication skills is now over. Everyone enjoyed this training, it was very helpful for the ESRs to understand what makes a good presentation

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During these interactive sessions, the ESRs:
- looked at the elements of an effective presentation,
- practised and carried out presentations to the group,
- got feedback and gained the confidence to deliver presentations,
- looked at resources available to improve presentation skills.

A big thanks to Amanda Barbedette-Green for the work carried out during both sessions!

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“This website is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 956126”.
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The content reflects only the author's view. The Research Executive Agency and Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information that it contains​.



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