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Complex microbial Ecosystems MUltiScale modElling:
mechanistic and data driven approaches integration
Newsletter n7
Some latest news

On June 30, our E-MUSE members enjoyed a lovely barbecue evening organised by Marjon Wells-Bennik and Alina Kyrylenko at NIZO.
Dario Ruggeri, Muhammad Ahmed Ihsan and Huabin Luo were present at NIZO as part of their secondments. It was a nice moment of gathering.
On July 12th, Training Event 4 will start in Vigo. 15 E-MUSE ESRs and 8 external PhD students or postdoctoral students will participate in a training session on systems biology, predictive microbiology and entrepreneurship and lean start-up methodologies.
Teachers from KU Leuven, VU Amsterdam, CSIC, BIOVAL and NKUA will share their knowledge on different topics: multiscale modelling, metabolic networks modelling, optimal experimental design and basics in control, during this 4-days training.
We look forward to these insightful talks!


The training was delivered by Scriptoria. Scriptoria is a UK-based company specialising in knowledge and data management, communications and engagements, monitoring and learning, and training delivery.
Sciptoria expert trainers taught E-MUSE ESRs to communicate their results better and get published in high-impact scientific journals over two interactive sessions (two half days in April).
Course Description:
In this course, the trainer covered how to plan, develop and write high-quality text for journal articles using real-life examples. They focused on the writing skills you need to succeed as a researcher, whether writing articles, theses or reports: writing concisely, writing precisely, improving style, and finding the right tone for your audience.

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