Complex microbial Ecosystems MUltiScale modElling:
mechanistic and data driven approaches integration

A comprehensive, interactive and international training programme covering the broader aspects and interface between biology, bioinformatics, statistics, systems biology, predictive microbiology and artificial intelligence as well as transferable skills
An enthusiastic team of professionals to co-operate with
Personal Career development plan (PCDP) to prepare young researchers for their future careers
Each ESR will undergo individual training at individual institutes according to the PCDP description
An attractive compensation package in accordance with the MSCA-ITN programme regulations for early stage researchers. Exact salary will be confirmed upon and will be based on a Living Allowance of €3270/month (correction factor to be applied per country) + mobility allowance of €600/month. Additionally researchers may also qualify for a family allowance* of €500/month depending on family situation. Taxation and Social (including Pension) Contribution deductions based on National and company regulations will apply.
Duration of recruitment: 36 months.
*Family = be married / be in a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage recognised by the legislation of the country or region where it was formalised/have dependent children who are being maintained by the researcher.